About Eric
Eric Feinstein is a New Jersey based Jewish genealogist. He graduated from the University of Massachusetts Amherst with a degree in Soviet and East European Studies and has worked as a genealogist since 1998. He has traveled extensively in the region including to Jewish sites in Germany, Poland, Russia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Croatia. Eric speaks French, Germany, Spanish, Hebrew and Russian and has a working knowledge of some Polish and Hungarian. For his research clients Eric has specialized in going to the sources in order to document their family histories in the most organized way possible. This has included what he calls “building a bridge to the Old Country” for clients with little or no knowledge of their roots in order to step by step bring them closer to their European ancestors. Often using out of the box methods and detective work out of Sherlock Holmes, he has excelled in reuniting families separated by the Holocaust, finding adopted children their birth families, and discovering lost relatives people did not even know existed, as well as in many cases photographs of ancestors and holocaust victims. Although no one can promise or even predict results Eric takes every case personally, he takes it on as if it were his own family.
Why I Remember Sambor
My Grandmother's mother was the oldest of 9 children. My grandmother, being the oldest child of the oldest child, was in touch with all of her first cousins every two weeks. She kept a handwritten phone book with everyone's phone number. Once when I was looking through the phone book, I saw there was a page with only 2 names on it, Rosa and Leon Beglighter, with no phone numbers. I asked my grandmother who these people were and she told me they were her aunt and uncle, her father's sister and husband, who died in the Holocaust. She wrote them in her phone book to "Remember Sambor", the town in Poland they were from.
I chose this name for my business because it is the core of what I do as a Genealogist. Remembering and preserving the past so that it won't be forgotten.
Archival Research
European Notary Records
Finding Family Disconnected in the Holocaust
Helping Adopted Children
find Birth Family