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Discover your Heritage.

Eric Feinstein has worked as a genealogist since 1998. He specializes in archival research, going directly to the source to document family histories. He is an expert in the field of Genealogy and has a network of contacts and connections that enables him to find research that often is difficult to find. Eric prides himself on being able to build a bridge to the Old Country for clients with little or no knowledge of their roots. Step by step he reconnects them to their European ancestors. He has excelled in reuniting families separated by the Holocaust, finding adopted children their birth families, and discovering lost relatives people did not even know existed. He has been able to find photographs of ancestors and holocaust victims. Eric speaks many languages and is a master of geography and history. All of this coupled with his passion for genealogical research is the backbone of Remember Sambor Genealogy.
Like many businesses, this one started as a hobby. After researching both his and his wife Ami's genealogy, he was hired by a family to research their ancestry. The result was a 200 page book detailing all the information found. From there, a business was born from referrals and word of mouth recommendations.
As the business grew, Eric's wife Ami joined the business to manage day to day workflow, billing, promotion and administrative tasks so Eric could focus on research.

What We Do
Birth, marriage records, death records, United States census, citizenship naturalization papers, military records, old photographs and newspapers, and oral histories from personal interviews.
I specialize in connecting families, finding relatives you didn't know existed.
We help clients document their ancestry to build a case when applying for foreign citizenship.
Based on archival research, relative interviews, I piece family trees together to visually present how it all fits together.

In addition to Eric and Ami, we have researchers around the world that we work with to hunt down records, go in person to archives, take pictures of gravestones and find information unavailable online. This is what makes Eric so good at what he does - knowing where to look, what to look for and having a network of contacts to get results for his clients.